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St Peter's 2-8

Clifton, York, YO30 6AB


+44 1904 527361


St Peter's 2-8

School Office


St Peter's 8-13

Queen Anne's Road, York, YO30 7WA


+44 1904 527416


St Peter's 8-13

School Office


St Peter's 13-18

Clifton, York, YO30 6AB


+44 1904 527300


St Peter's 13-18

School Office

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

In About Us

Our Commitment to Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

As a school community, we strive to demonstrate all of our seven school values which are fundamental to our commitment. Our values compel us to embrace our differences and celebrate the strengths every individual brings to our school.

We established a Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) working group several years ago which comprises of staff from the whole school foundation, teaching and support. This group also has input from pupil groups throughout the school and direct input from senior pupils given leadership roles on DEI. Sarah Opie is our DEI Lead and member of the whole school leadership team, and has the full support of our Chairman of Governors, Bill Woolley with Charlotte Smart as governor lead. The group address all aspects of DEI throughout school life for all pupils and staff. We are particularly proud of the pupils who have volunteered to be part of our DEI groups with a mature, focused approach.

In November 2021 we commissioned  a full audit of perceptions of DEI in the school, which sought the views of older pupils, staff, governors and parents. The action plan from this audit forms the priorities and focus for the staff DEI working group.

Our journey towards becoming a fully inclusive school is based upon listening to and acting on the experiences of our pupils, alumni, parents and staff. We want to emphasise the commitment of the governors and senior leadership team to this process and look forward to keeping you updated on our progress.

William Woolley
Chair of Governors
St Peter’s School

Jeremy Walker
Head Master
St Peter’s School