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St Peter's 2-8

Clifton, York, YO30 6AB


+44 1904 527361


St Peter's 2-8

School Office


St Peter's 8-13

Queen Anne's Road, York, YO30 7WA


+44 1904 527416


St Peter's 8-13

School Office


St Peter's 13-18

Clifton, York, YO30 6AB


+44 1904 527300


St Peter's 13-18

School Office

Our Faith

In Pastoral

A Statement on our Faith

Today’s School is the Choir School of York Minster, with whom we share a common heritage. The School numbers four Christian Saints among its previous Head Masters – Paulinus, James the Deacon, John of Beverley and Alcuin – reminding us that we are shaped by the wisdom of the past as we look to meet the challenges of the present and the future.

Our School’s Christian values encourage us to consider every member of our community as being unique and of intrinsic worth. In every area of School life, we seek to create an environment in which everyone feels valued, understood and can grow into the best version of themself. We welcome and include people of all faiths and none to our School and are committed to nurturing faith of all kinds. In doing this, we seek to foster a culture of open dialogue, encouraging pupils to live examined and flourishing lives, abounding in reflection and contemplation. 

While our St Peter's Values are rooted our Christian heritage, they will be familiar to anyone and drive us at all times to find new ways to understand and be inclusive of all perspectives and philosophies.  Our seven values are friendship, trust, wisdom, compassion, endurance, humility and hope.  Together they are one of the Four Pillars of learning at St Peter’s. It is through them that we seek to achieve our mission of preparing pupils for confident, successful and fulfilled adult lives and to make a positive impact on their world. 

We continue to live out our Christian heritage, with opportunities to pause and reflect forming part of the rhythm of School life. We have a full time Anglican (Church of England) Chaplain, who is a member of the school’s pastoral team, teacher of religious education and an Honorary Minor Canon at York Minster. We always have a member of the York Minster Chapter on our governing body. Regular services are held both in York Minster and in the School’s own Chapel. 

Religious Studies is taught to all pupils until the end of GCSEs with A Level being a popular option.  The subject places an emphasis on understanding a range of beliefs and approaches to ethics, philosophy and moral issues in an enquiring manner designed to foster independence of thinking.    

If you would like to hear more about this aspect of our school life or have any questions, please contact us.  

The Chapel 

The St Peter's School Chapel is situated at the front of the school near the library and the historic Memorial Hall. 

Chapel life is an integral part of the moral and spiritual education offered by the school, and we have regular services before school every week for pupils in Year 4 and above. 

Chapel offers us an opportunity to celebrate what’s best about who we are, both as individuals and as a community, and to hear from a range of different speakers. In Chapel philosophical, moral and spiritual questions are approached from a range of perspectives, faiths, and beliefs; self-reflection is encouraged and personal identity nurtured. 

There are voluntary services on key days such as Ash Wednesday. Candidates are prepared for the annual confirmation service which happens in March. Additionally, once a year each House is responsible for leading a service. 

The Chapel is also available for Old Peterites and members of the wider school community to use.

You can now view our beautiful Chapel in 360 using our Virtual Tour.

The Minster

St. Peter's holds a deep and storied connection with York Minster, having been established in AD 627 on the same site by Paulinus of York. Over the centuries, the relationship between the school and the Minster has been symbiotic, with the Minster often playing a central role in the school's services and events.

We are only a short walk away from York Minster, and St Peter's is fortunate to be able to host important services including all school Christmas services, the end of year services and termly Eucharists at the stunning York Minster.

Our ties with the Minster grew even stronger when we became the Choir School for the York Minster Choristers. Choristers benefit from an outstanding all-round education at St Peter’s School alongside the chance to sing in York Minster each day. 

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