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Earth Day

Earth Day
St Peter's 13-18 Events

We joined the global celebrations for Earth Day 2021 on 22 April, with events and activities organised by the Eco Club.

Earth Day is a globally celebrated day that seeks to highlight the beauty of our planet and raise awareness of issues affecting our global community including climate change.

The Eco Club organised an inter-tutor group quiz on Thursday morning. Pupils completed their quizzes during tutor time to show their support for environmental protection and sustainability. Well done to Beth for sourcing many of the questions and thank you to all the pupils who participated. Results and prizes will be announced next week.

The Eco Club also work with St Nick's collecting 'hard to recycle' waste for processing through TerraCycle. The Eco Club have made their own boxes which staff and pupils can find across the school in Houses and staff areas. 

Please bring in your packages for recycling and support this programme. Find out more about our recycling and support programme.

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Earth Day