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St Peter’s is awarded the Green Flag

St Peter’s is awarded the Green Flag
St Peter's 13-18 Awards

Over the summer, St Peter’s was awarded a Green Flag by the Eco Schools organisation. The flag is an internationally recognised reward and acknowledges the achievements of the Eco Club and Eco Committee at St Peter’s.

In order to achieve the award, pupils carried out an audit of the school’s environmental footprint and targeted three areas for improvement. They carried out many projects including setting up a recycling scheme with Terracycle, encouraging a switch to refillable water bottles, building bird boxes and taking part in a beach clean.

Thank you to everyone who took part this year. Of course, the journey towards sustainability continues so please continue to support this campaign.

The Green Flag was presented in assembly and was received by Beth and Matthew. It is now displayed on the school's flagpole.

"I am very proud of all the pupils who took part in achieving the Eco Schools’ Green Flag Award. The eco-council was created by the pupils in 2018 and the spin off eco-club have taken their lead in identifying and working on projects to care for the environment at school and beyond. They started the year with building bird boxes, then expanded the Terracycle collection points for crisp packet, plastic pens and toothbrush product recycling and finished the year with a beach clean in Scarborough. It is exciting to see the enthusiasm that some of our pupils have for creating a responsible and sustainable future." - Mrs Hall, co-ordinator of the Eco-Club at St Peter’s

"I'm really proud of the fantastic pupils who have made this happen. There’s a long way to go but this is a great start!" - Mr Walker, Head Master

"The lovely view from my office is even better now with a green flag to admire! Fantastic work by the Eco Committee and Eco Club and thank you Mrs Hall for leading this brilliant initiative." - Ms Opie, Director of Admissions, Marketing and Communications

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St Peter’s is awarded the Green Flag