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Primary Maths Challenge Gold Award

Primary Maths Challenge Gold Award
St Peter's 8-13 Maths

Alex, a J3 (Year 6) pupil at St Peter's 8-13, has won a prestigious Gold Award in the national Primary Mathematics Challenge Bonus Round. 

The Primary Mathematics Challenge is aimed at pupils aged 9-11 years old and aims to boost confidence in mathematics, whilst helping children to develop their problem-solving and reasoning skills.

The Primary Mathematics Challenge paper includes 25 challenging maths puzzles, including 20 multiple choice questions. The questions are designed to make pupils think outside the box, and the pupils have just 45 minutes to answer the 25 questions.

The highest-scoring pupils, including Alex, are invited to take part in the Primary Mathematics Challenge Bonus Round, which see pupils competing on a worldwide level. Alex completed the Bonus Round paper in school last month and received a Gold Award after achieving a phenomenal result.

Alex received his award from Mr Falconer on Friday 25 March during assembly in the Shepherd Hall.

Sally-Jane Fell, KS 2 Maths Coordinator at St Peter's 8-13, says: "Alex was thrilled to take part of this challenging and engaging national problem-solving challenge.  His passion is most definitely numbers."

Alex says: "I really enjoyed it, but couldn't help being cross about mistakes I made.  However, I 've now learnt more from looking at why I got them wrong."

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Primary Maths Challenge Gold Award