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+44 1904 527361


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Queen Anne's Road, York, YO30 7WA


+44 1904 527416


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St Peter's 8-13 Make It Count

St Peter's 8-13 Make It Count
Maths St Peter's 8-13

Congratulation to all the pupils who took part in the UKMT Junior Maths competition earlier this term. This national competition encourages mathematical reasoning, precision of thought, and fluency in using basic mathematical techniques to solve interesting problems. The problems on the Challenge are designed to make pupils think. Most are accessible, yet still challenge those with more experience.

The following pupils have qualified for the follow on rounds:

Junior Maths Olympiad which is a two-hour Challenge consisting of 16 problems: 10 in Section A and six in Section B. Only answers are required to the problems in Section A whereas full written solutions are required for problems in Section B. Only  around 1,200 students nationally qualify for this from the Junior Mathematical Challenge.  
Alex (J3)

Junior Maths Kangaroo which is another hour-long paper similar to the JMC but even more challenging. Entry to the Challenge is by invitation only and is based on a qualifying score, which is variable from year to year.

Edward (J5)
William (J5)
Sophie (J5)
William (J5)
Ansh (J4)
Naomi (J4)
Hannah (J4)

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St Peter's 8-13 Make It Count