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CCF Exercise Cross Keys

CCF Exercise Cross Keys
CCF School Trips

Senior cadets enjoyed a thrilling weekend of blank firing exercises, putting into practice their section battle drills. The platoon deployed to the training, quickly setting up their harbour area (campsite) and tucked into some Michelin star MoD ration packs! Preparations for the night-time ambush then began, including rehearsals, weapons preparation and camouflage application. Out into the darkness, the platoon made their way stealthily out to the ambush site, and the trap was set. As per the intelligence in hand, members of the Strensall Liberation Army meandered down the MSR into the kill zone, at which point a cacophony was set loose to give them the good news. Illumination flares turned night to day as 500 rounds were let loose in the space of a few minutes. The platoon made a swift exit back to the harbour, had a hot drink, and then bedded down for the night.

On the next day the platoon was tasked to assault a number of enemy positions. Hearts pounding with anticipation, the cadets moved out, knowing that they were about to embark on a challenging but rewarding experience. Once under contact with the enemy, the sections worked in their fire teams to supress and flank the enemy under the cover of smoke. Gunfire echoed through the air as the cadets charged forward, their adrenaline pumping. They worked together seamlessly, using their skills and training to overcome the enemy positions. The attacks were executed commendably, especially given for many cadets this was their first experience of doing it. As the smoke cleared, the cadets stood victorious, having overcome all challenges in their path. They had proven themselves to be a capable and cohesive team, and their success was a testament to their hard work and dedication. Special mention goes to the section commanders: Lucy, Zoe, Alex and Katie, who did a sterling job throughout the weekend. 

The CCF is open to pupils in 4th form and above. New recruits are always welcome, anyone interested should contact Mr Norman through Teams or by email.

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CCF Exercise Cross Keys